Cyber & Technology Underwriting

With a strong reliance on data systems, technology supply chains and exponential computing power, Australian businesses have to navigate the complexities it brings to business operations as well as the wealth of benefits.

Our Cyber underwriters provide solutions for complex SMEs up to large single risk – writing business across the world.

Our Capacity


We provide a first rate incident response service, using best-in-class vendors across the globe.

For any enquiries about our Pacific Cyber underwriting, please get in touch with Stephen Wright.

Our Cyber Appetite

We have a broad appetite for Cyber & Technology risks, with all industries being considered. Our only exception, currently, is Cryptocurrency risks.

Key Cover Includes:

  • Incident Response Costs
  • Data & Software Loss
  • Cyber Extortion
  • Business Interruption
  • Hardware Replacement
  • Property Damage
  • Network Service Failure Liability
  • Breach of Privacy Liability
  • Media Liability
  • Technology Errors & Omissions
  • Regulatory & Payment Card Fines
  • Defence Costs

Sub-limited Cyber Crime cover is also available.


Policy Documents

The following Cyber documents are available to download here:

“If you experience a cyber attack or data breach, it is crucial you get immediate assistance to protect your business. We are your first port of call.”

Stephen Wright

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To apply to trade with Probitas Pacific on Sunrise, please click here to complete our Apply to Trade form.

Probitas Syndicate 1492 is managed at Lloyd’s by Probitas Managing Agency Limited. Probitas Managing Agency Limited is registered in England and Wales (No. 12242600) at 88 Leadenhall Street, London, EC3A 3BP and is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority (Firm Reference Number 931446). Probitas 1492 (Pacific) Pty Ltd (ABN 82 663 993 244) is registered in Australia and is a Lloyd’s approved service company and coverholder of Probitas Managing Agency Limited. Probitas 1492 (Pacific) Pty Ltd is regulated in Australia by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (Licence No: 545082). We may process your personal data. For information on how your personal data is used and the rights that you have please see the Privacy Notice. If you are providing personal data to us on behalf of another individual, you must provide this Privacy Notice to them. Please find our Terms of Trade here.